After taking this free mini course, you will have the tools you need to jumpstart your day and begin holding your grieving self accountable. You will give yourself the gift of consistency, and will feel success first thing in the morning. Get ready to be PROUD of your progress, and start every day with stability and peace.

Welcome, I'm sorry you're here.

What people are saying...

"I just finished your free mini course on morning rituals. Mornings are the hardest time for me. My son passed away in Nov, 2019. But now I feel I have some tools to use to help me during that time of day. In doing the morning ritual, I hope it will help me get through the rest of the day. Thank you so much for using your time and efforts into this mini course. I learned so much."

- Beth M.

What You Get With This FREE Course:

  • Grief journal prompts
  • Self awareness journal prompts
  • (1) Two-week accountability calendar with a pre-determined morning ritual
  • (1) Two-week accountability calendar with space to create your own morning ritual
  • Mindfulness Meditation Guide
  • Concentration Meditation Guide
  • 5 WHYs of gratitude download


How long will it take me to complete this course?

This course should take you no longer than 2 hours to complete!

How do I access the course once I am enrolled?

Once you receive an email that your enrollment has been accepted, head on over to the curriculum and click "start" to get going.

Do I have to finish the course within a certain period of time?

No! You can access the course curriculum for as long as you like. Your enrollment does not expire.

Will this course help me even if I didn't lose a loved one?

Of COURSE! This course aims to teach you ways you can kickstart your day & productivity. You don't have to have lost someone in order to benefit from morning rituals. All are welcome.